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Der Samuel's Easter Sunday Sermon - April 9th, 2023

"You are the Lord; you are Christ our Savior."

Today is a holiday for all of us because our Lord Jesus Christ defeated death and defeated evil. Today we are all happy because our Lord's victory is our victory.

Our heavenly Father, God, loved us all from the beginning, and because of that love, He sent His Only Begotten Son into the world so that sinful mankind could be saved by believing in Him.

Dear believers, before Christ, all the prophets prophesied about the mystery of Christ's salvation and announced it to humanity, but the prophets were not believed, as the Bible itself testifies, and like all the prophets, they also betrayed Him who came to free humanity from the captivity of sin. They tortured him, who came to save them from the power of darkness. As the Gospel testifies, they crucified, the one whom God had sent as a savior. However, after suffering all this, He trampled on sin with His miraculous resurrection, defeated darkness, and appeared as the savior of mankind, remaining the eternal God.

I want to talk about two points in the middle of this happy holiday.

1. To accept Christ as the savior of the world

When we open the Bible and read the story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, we will see that God promised through the prophet Moses, saying, “God will raise up a prophet like me from among you, pay attention to him." That is, God had promised the coming of the Savior from the beginning, and that Savior was his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. As Moses lifted the bronze serpent in the wilderness of Sinai, and he who looked upon it was healed, so Christ as the Second Adam, the savior of the world, the savior of all mankind, ascended to the cross, that whoever believes in him may be saved and have eternal life. There is no doubt that we all want to be happy in our lives, and that happiness lies in seeking our Lord. By his resurrection, Christ proved to us that he is above all and the Lord of all. Don't go looking for happiness in those who can give you temporary happiness, that happiness is in Christ. Sometimes it is good to learn from the past, and the past shows that those who have not accepted Christ as the savior in their lives have not been able to achieve the spiritual joy that a true Christian has.

2. Believe him as the Savior of mankind

Christ's earthly mission had one main purpose, and that was to save God's people from evil, to keep his people in the heavenly, divine light. We read the miracles performed by Christ many times by this sentence "Believe and you will be saved", which is a kind of invitation and why not a condition to receive the divine blessing and be healed of our physical and mental illnesses. There are many stories that tell about all those people who, believing in Christ and seeing the power of God left everything - wealth, glory, honor – to follow him confessing him as the Lord and Savior of all mankind.

We must try to improve our faith in God because it is a precondition for salvation. All who were healed by the hand of our Lord Jesus Christ were healed because they believed. If we, as children of God, do not believe in him who came down to save us from our Adamic sin, to save us from the power of sin, how can we save others, be the cause of others' salvation? Each of us is an apostle appointed by Christ, and therefore it is our duty to believe in Christ, who took upon himself the greatest human suffering for us, and to put that faith into action in our own lives, in our way of life, otherwise our faith will be in vain, as the apostle James says. in his letter. " So, faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead" (James 2:17).

Therefore, dear believers, like Christ and with Christ, let us bury the old man in us and rise as a new man to glorify the most holy Trinity forever and ever.

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